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3 Days or 3.5 months (100 Day) Trainer Certification Program

Train The Trainer Workshop

“Your ability to present, train, facilitate, and inspire your audience makes you an irresistible magnet to increase your income and success!”

Train The Trainer

Program Overview:

Most of us have many opportunities to speak in front of others in many different environments – work, school, clubs, events, and more. Professionals are expected to formally speak in front of groups many times in their careers.

Accelerated Learning provides a very different public speaking experience. It involves a paradigm shift in how you think about learning! No matter what method of teaching, presenting, facilitating or training, in which you are involved, a key skill to providing an effective learning session is that of comfortably speaking in front of others. This Train-the-trainer workshop is intended to help you to make your public speaking a comfortable, natural, experience.

In this Train-the-Trainer Workshop, the participants will be exposed to training techniques that are cutting-edge educational technologies based on current worldwide research from over 80 universities. They will learn the AL’s way of assessing, designing, organizing and presenting live content delivery to ensure that training outcomes will be achieved by the learners, without having to increase class time. The trainers will increase their training delivery effectiveness dramatically by addressing the needs of their learners and achieving their competency-based objectives in less time.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the program, you will be able to:

  • Present with styles and confidence

  • Address the learning requirements of different types of learner

  • Increase retention during and after teaching or training

  • Create a joyful learning experience for your participants

  • Create healthier, safe, and conducive learning environments

  • Maximize the absorption by engaging the 5 senses in learning

  • Handle difficult situation, participants, and unexpected events with poise and confidence

  • Develop training contents that match with the training objectives

Program Outline:

This program focuses on how to empower yourself with the skills that will transform your life by learning the following topics:

  • Create a Powerful Learning Experience

  • Different Formats of Presentation

  • What is Accelerated Learning?

  • Understanding 4 Different Types of Learner

  • What causes presenter’s anxiety?

  • Handling difficult situations in training

  • How to ask different types of questions

  • Howard Gardner’s Model of 8 Intelligences

  • Developing Training Content

  • How to Create Conducive Learning Environment

Who Should Attend:

This workshop is essential for anyone who wants to master the arts of presenting and training. Suitable for executives and leaders who need to do corporate presentations to their team, top management, or board members. For those who are aspired to be a professional trainer, this program is right for you!


3 Days or 3.5 months (100 Days) Trainer Certification Program



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+6012 296 2092


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+603 2092 2902

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