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2 Days Workshop

Building High Performance Team Workshop

  • If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together!”

Building High Performance Team

Program Overview:

Teams come in all shapes and sizes, and are used to do many different things. Each team has a unique set of needs and concerns. Building an effective work-unit team is different than building other types of teams, because of the specific culture of the work group, the ongoing nature of the team, and a history of team member interaction. As a leader, you got to have the ability to glue the team together and move everyone into the same direction toward the organization mission.

Team is a cornerstone of organizational success. Lack of clarity about purpose is a frequent cause of team failure. As a leader, you need to lead your team to understand the very existence of the team and answer the question “what are we here to accomplish?” When the purpose is clear to all, it provides the motivation for ongoing effort and willingness to endure setbacks and tackle tough obstacles.

Many teams, looking for fast results, ignore the natural team development process and fall into the trap of letting a few vocal members dominate the team.  This, along with many other “team thought traps” reduces the effectiveness and efficiency of the team and reduces the overall enjoyment of the team experience. Building a high performance team requires the team leader to have the critical knowledge and an understanding of team dynamics and team formation.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the program, you will be able to:

  • Appreciate the importance of sharing a common goal in achieving the mission

  • Acquire the right mindset and attitudes for better work performance

  • Demonstrate the concept of interdependency among one another

  • Enhance communication for better working relationship and collaboration

  • Instill the 7 characteristics of making a great team

  • Build positive bonds and develop trust with team members

  • Strengthen a sense of belongingness and team spirit with one another

  • through the experience of facing challenges and overcoming obstacles together

Program Outline:

This program focuses on how to impart with the knowledge and  skills in building high performance teams by acquiring and practicing the following:

  • What Makes a Great Team?

  • Become a Great Team Leader

  • Why do Team Fails?

  • Setting a Foundation for Building a High Performance Team

  • Discover Team Core Values

  • The 4 Stages of Building a High Performance Team

  • Creating a Positive Team Environment

  • Facilitate a High Performing Team

Who Should Attend:

This workshop is essential for all leaders, managers, and supervisors who are accountable to managing a work team, unit, or department. As a leader, your performance is only as good as that of your team. If you really want to build teams that work, you need more than the right people – you need the insight and experience to be a great leader. And that’s precisely what you’ll learn in this workshop.


2 Days



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